Privacy Policy

Ad Astra School, LLC (referred to as “Ad Astra”, “we”, "us”, or "our") knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. We want you to understand the types of information we collect, how we use that information, how we secure it, and how we share it. Please read this privacy notice and policy (this “Policy”) carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your personal information and how we will treat it. This Policy applies to individuals who interact with Ad Astra and our Services (as defined in our Terms of Use located at (“you”). This Policy explains how your personal information (which some jurisdictions may refer to as “personal data”) is collected, used, and disclosed by Ad Astra. It also tells you how you can access and update your personal information, exercise certain rights, and make certain choices about how your personal information is used.


What does this Policy Cover?

This Policy covers personal information that we collect through our Services. In some instances, if you do not provide personal information to us, we may not be able to provide you with certain Services.

What Personal Information Do We Collect and How Do We Collect It?

Information You Voluntarily Give Us

When you use our Services or interact with us, you may provide certain personal information, including your first name, last name, email address, address and phone number ("Contact Information"), as well as other information about you and/or your child in connection with an application or other submission or message you send us.

Information Collected Automatically

When you interact with us or the Services, certain information is automatically collected by the systems we use, including:

  • Data from Your Computer/Mobile Device/Browser. We may collect data about the computer or device that you use to access our Services, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address, and device and browser type, as well as other online identifiers. If you access our Services via a mobile device such as a smartphone, the collected data may also include, depending on the device and network, your phone’s unique device ID, and other similar mobile device data.

  • Internet or Other Similar Network Activity.  As you navigate through and interact with our Services, we use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain data about your device(s) and your actions. This includes data such as which links you click on, which pages or content you view and for how long, and other similar data and statistics about your interactions, such as content response times, download errors, and length of visits to certain pages, as well as operating system type and web browser type and version. This data is captured using automated technologies such as cookies and is also collected through the use of third-party tracking for analytics purposes.

  • Cookies The Services use several common tracking tools. These may include browser cookies, web beacons, flash cookies, and similar technologies. Service providers also use these tools on our Services and elsewhere on our behalf.  We also share information about your use of our Services with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Our system does not respond to or act on opt-out preference signals. You may also disable or block cookies and certain other tracking technologies through certain software and browsers.  If you block or reject all cookies through your browser some of the functionality of the Services may not work properly.

How Do We Use the Personal Information We Collect?

Provide Our Services

We use certain personal information, including your Contact Information, to provide our Services to you, including to allow you to access and use the Services; provide updates regarding our Services and policies; to contact you, when you have opted in to receive information, or to provide updates on any applications; to contact you regarding upcoming events; to provide support to you in connection with the Services.

Improve Our Services and Do Analysis

We constantly strive to improve our offerings, and in order to do so, we analyze interactions with our Services and our marketing, reactions to our Services, other history, and user behavior.  The information we use to do this may include any or all of the categories of information that we collect.

The models we use to analyze this information may include the range of tools available to us from spreadsheets and databases to algorithmic models, and technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning.


We may use your personal information to provide you with advertising and marketing information about Ad Astra. On occasion, these communications may also introduce you to events offered in collaboration with other parties. You can always opt out of receiving our advertising and marketing materials as provided in Opt-Out below.

General Operations and Administration

We use your personal information for other general business purposes as permitted by applicable law, such as maintaining your account, conducting audits, financial calculations and tax reporting, administering our business and operations, evaluating performance, evaluating and maintaining our systems, security and fraud prevention and monitoring.  When and as appropriate, we may also use personal information to exercise our legal rights or perform our obligations under applicable laws.  The information we use to do this may include any or all of the categories of information that we collect.

To Whom Do We Disclose the Personal Information We Collect?

Our Affiliates

We may disclose certain personal information to our affiliates that are involved in the delivery of the Services or our overall operations.

Our Service Providers

We disclose your personal information to service providers who we engage to help us run our operations (e.g., information technology and computing support, customer relations management systems (CRM), managing marketing and promotions and research). 

Other Third Parties

We may also disclose personal information to certain other parties, including:

  • Other parties in connection with a corporate transaction, including merger, acquisition, restructuring, or bankruptcy. Personal information may be disclosed in the context of due diligence relating to the transaction and/or to the successors to our business or the applicable parts of it.

  • To law enforcement, governmental authorities or third parties when and as required by law; in response to legal proceedings; in response to a required from law enforcement; to protect our rights, security, safety, or property, or those of other parties or the public; to enforce the terms of any agreement, including the terms of our Services.


What Rights and Choices Do You Have Regarding Your Personal Information?

Correcting Your Personal Information

You can modify, add, or delete certain personal information by contacting us at Even after you remove or correct information, copies of the original information may remain available elsewhere to the extent it has been made generally available or shared with others. We may also retain copies of your information in our backup or archives, and for any other purposes permitted by law. If you have given third-party applications or websites access to your information, they may retain your information to the extent permitted under their terms of service or privacy policies.


If you wish to opt-out from marketing emails, please reply UNSUBSCRIBE to the email. We will unsubscribe you within thirty business days. You can always contact us at in order to change your preferences with respect to marketing contacts.

Third-Party Websites and Social Media Services

The Services may include links to third-party websites or apps, including social media platforms. Those third-party websites and services are not Services operated or controlled by us. This Policy does not apply to, and we do not control and are not responsible for, the privacy practices of those third-party websites or services. Please read their privacy policies carefully, since they have their own practices and policies, and they may collect and use your personal information in very different ways than we do.

How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?

We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, misuse, or destruction. However, no data transmission or storage system is fully secure, and these measures do not guarantee that your personal information will not be accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of our security measures. The safety and security of your personal information also depends on you.

How Long do We Retain Your Personal Information?  

We keep personal information as long as it is necessary, relevant, or permitted for the purposes described in this Policy. We also keep personal information when and as required by law. 

This might mean that we keep some or all of your personal information even after you close your account with us or otherwise end your relationship with us, even if you have requested that your information be deleted. When determining how long to retain your personal information, we take into account a number of factors, including the length and nature of our relationship and the Services you obtain, the applicable statute(s) of limitation, and whether we are subject to any legal obligations relating to your personal information.  We may also use any aggregated data derived from or incorporating your personal information after you update or delete it, but not in a manner that would identify you personally.

Collection of Personal Information of Children

The Services and Content are only offered to and intended for individuals who are 18 years of age or older, and are not directed at children. We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from children below the age of 13. If you are a parent or legal guardian and think that your child under 13 has given us data, you can contact us in writing or by email as provided below under the section titled Contact Us.

Changes to this Policy

The privacy and related laws change frequently, and we regularly update and improve our Services, and we may change how we collect, use or disclose your personal information. Because of these changes in our practices and applicable laws, we periodically update this Policy.

When we make changes to this Policy, we will post any changes on this page so please check back frequently.  If we make material changes, if we have your contact information, we will notify you directly prior to the changes taking effect, and we will also post a notice through the Services.

Any use of our Services after we post the updated Policy will be subject to that updated Policy.


Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at


Last Updated: July 15, 2024